Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
7th International Conference on Aquaculture & Fisheries, will be organized around the theme “Recent Trends in Aquaculture Innovation”
Aquaculture 2017 is comprised of 10 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Aquaculture 2017.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Adaptions of aquatic species symposiums majorly organized to discuss on environmental impacts of aquaculture have been associated mainly with high-input and high-output intensive systems (e.g. culture of salmonids in raceways and cages) the effects of which included discharge of suspended solids, and nutrient and organic enrichment of recipient waters resulting in build-up of anoxic sediments, changes in benthic communities (alteration of seabed fauna and flora communities) and the eutrophication of lakes.
Sustainability is a word constantly being used in describing various aquaculture systems, defining goals for aquaculture etc. Briefly, sustainable aquaculture is the cultivation of aquatic organism for commercial purposes by means that have a good natured impact on the environment, contribute to local social community development and to generate an economic profit. This concept has evolved and grown along with growing evidence that wild fisheries are being overexploited and many fish species are becoming extinct.
In fish species seminars and ethical issues meetings about the majority countries and specific aquaculture policy article does not exist and aquaculture is usually included in the Fishery Sector Development Policy, document. It is also mentioned in further strategic policy documents; those for Industry and Environment are the two major policy documents. In the absence of the policy, aquaculture development is primarily based on development strategy elaborated by the authorities in charge for the administering the division but without formal approval. Few mechanisms with the definition of policy mostly comprise unofficial consultations, having three exemptions. The foremost is in Spain where a formal Consultative Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture has been established in Cataluña including the main representatives from the aquaculture sector. The subsequent exception is in Greece, where there is an Agricultural Policy Council within the Agriculture; this is a consultative body in which representatives from the Ministry itself.
Aquatic Physiology is detailed assessment of the physiology and activities of aquatic animals, with an emphasis on fish and crustaceans. Growth, respiration, osmoregulation excretion, reproduction, endocrinology and sensory physiology are discussed in relation to the possessions of natural and artificial environmental changes on physiological methods. The part of study will emphasize the physiological mechanisms which are conserved across taxa and those that are exclusive to a specific aquatic animal group, with some case studies on how particular groups of animals handle physiologically high environments and with contrasting environments at different parts of their life cycle (e.g., anadromy in salmon, catadromy in eels). Inventions will also be used to focus on the constraints solutions to particular physiological problems may effects on other aspects of the life of the animal in most of the fish DNA vaccines meetings, fish consumers conferences & GM fish conferences.
Fishing technology encompasses the process of catching any aquatic animal, using any kind of fishing methods, often operated from a vessel. Use of fishing methods varies, depending on the types of fisheries, and can range from a simple and small hook attached to a line to large and sophisticated midwater trawls or purse seines operated by large fishing vessels. The development of electronic instruments and fish detection equipment has led to the more rapid location of fish and the lowering of the unit costs of harvesting, particularly as this equipment becomes more widespread. Developments in refrigeration, ice-making and fish processing equipment have contributed to the design of vessels capable of remaining at sea for extended periods.
At a global level, aquaculture is one of the fastest growing food production sectors (9.6 per cent/yr in the last decade), a fact that will ultimately change the way that fish is perceived as food. A key element of this observation is the change in the supply opportunities for fish and fish products from a wild source to a cultured one. The rapid growth in aquaculture production has made the sector important to the economy of many developing countries, and it has become either an important source of supply, or the main supplier, in the case of some products. For these farmed products, production fluctuations have had a significant impact on price trends. In general, however, aquaculture products have helped to stabilize traded supplies and to bring down prices over the years. Furthermore, several species that were once considered to be high-value luxury products have now become more abundant through aquaculture production, lowering prices and expanding markets.
The moral dimensions of fisheries are manifold, but the main ethical issues concern overfishing, interwoven with those of poverty, food security, food safety and ecosystem degradation. Each of these issues could be broken down into a number of related subissues, for instance: genetic modification of living organisms, introduction of alien species, protection of endangered or emblematic species, discarding practices, cultural sustainability, knowledgesharing, transboundary impacts, food contamination and safety. The ethical approach encourages participation. It proposes that the ethical quality of a proposed measure be assessed through its standing in a free public discourse. It also stresses the need for the free flow of information, public awareness and expression, transparency and accountability. In order to progress further towards responsible fisheries, it is essential to focus on what people can do and achieve, going beyond considerations of mere material interests and stressing the moral interests of welfare, freedom and justice.
Meetings on aquaculture also focus on aspects like Aquaponics- Planning, Construction and maintenance. Specified the problems performing experiments on humans, medicinal research has focused on using model organisms to biologic processes conserved between humans and its lower grades. The most ordinary model organisms are small mammals, usually mice and rats. Although these models have significant benefits, they are also expensive to maintain, difficult to manipulate imperfect for large-scale genetic studies. The zebrafish model complements these deficiencies in experimental models. The cost is low, minute size, and external development of zebrafish makes it an outstanding model for vertebrate development biology. Techniques for large-scale genome mutagenesis and gene mapping, transgenesis, protein biology, cell transplantation and chimeric analysis, and chemical screens have immeasurably increased the control of this model organism. It is now achievable to rapidly determine the developmental property of a gene of interest, which identifies genetic and chemical modifications of the processes involved. Inventions made in zebrafish usually validated in mammals. With novel technologies regularly developed, the zebrafish is to significantly improve the vertebrate development under normal and pathologic circumstances.
The volume of aquaculture production worldwide has grown at a rate of approximately 8% per year over the last decade. Continued growth is expected due to increases in world population and the apparent leveling off of the capture of many commercial fisheries species. Farmed salmon and shrimp production have grown to dominate their respective world markets over the last several decades. More recently, new global markets have emerged for farmed species such as tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Continued growth, however, depends not just on demand but also on the economic and financial viability of the businesses developed.
Aquaculture or fish farming accounts for over 50% of the world market for fish products. As global populations continue to increase, wild populations of commercially captured fish can no longer support this demand. Aquaculture provides an efficient means of protein production. In the US great strides have been taken by the industry to insure best management practices for the sustainability, consistency, economic feasibility, food safety, and environmentally friendly ways for farmed fish and shellfish production.