Shann-Tzong Jiang
Senior Vice-President
National Taiwan Ocean University
JIANG Shann-Tzong earned his Master Degree from Tokyo University of Fisheries, Japan, and PhD from University of Rhode Island, USA. He is an acknowledged world authority on both Seafood Science and Food Biotechnology, especially in seafood processing, food biotechnology, marine biochemistry, and application of biotechnology in food processing. He is noted for his research and publication in the field. He has also had extensive experience and brilliant achievement in the field of fish handling and processing works. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Food Science & Technology, and National Endowed Chair Professor of the Ministry of Education of Taiwan, currently working at the Department of Food Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, and at Providence Universityas Senior Vice President. Both Universities are highly respected as a research and teaching Institute in this field. He is also awarded as Distinguished Professor of Aquatic Animal Biotechnology at National Taiwan Ocean University, concurrently consulting to many fishery firms both in Taiwan and abroad engaged in fish processing technology and food biotechnology. He is, in addition, prolific of publications through his profound knowledge and deep research in such field of science.
Research Interest
Shann-Tzong Jiang engaged in fish processing technology and food biotechnology