Bernhard Feneis
German Aquaculture Association, Germany
Title: Fish diseases and treatment in the light of EU Law
Biography: Bernhard Feneis
A overview of freshwater fish diseases is presented, divided in viral, bacterial and parasite aetiology. The different disease patterns are described, underlined with slides showing typical symptoms.The relevant EU regulations, like directives and laws within the EUanimal/human health philosophy is presented and will be discussed. Following core topics are: The directive 88/2006, including five Categories of disease free level. Definition and handling of exotic and nonexotic notifiable diseases. The national implementation of the framework, differences between memberstates “Traces”, a method to prevent spreading diseases by transporting fish to member states, including a flowchart for administration as well as for fishfarmers. A special part will discuss the situation of “new” diseases, not yet in the focus of the framework, where partly is even not yet a standardized diagnostic or treatment available. E.g. CEV, Sleeping disease trout, strawberry disease. What will change when the new Animal Health Law (AHL) comes into force? The necessity of vaccines within a biosecurityplan instead of Antibiotic use is discussed especially in the light of the new EU legislation. What changes in the cascade of the new AHL , when you need a drug for a treatment when there is nothing direct meant for the disease in the relevant fish species. In the final part the problems of fishfarmers using the framework TRACES and RL88&2006 will be discussed, and the demands are formulated to have a competitive basis on the european- and worldmarket.